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touring performances

The touring productions of the Š.E.M. company are productions that do not require a theater space or technical equipment. They were created with the idea of bringing puppet theater to any place indoors or outdoors, to schools, libraries, cultural centers, festivals, and other events. We use elements of storytelling in them and address topics that are important to us.

Wolf's Eye Theater Š.E.M.
ELIŠKA and the world upside down Divadlo Š.E.M.

VLČIE OKO | The Eye of Wolf

A puppet tale about a boy and a wolf, about searching for a new home, and about how stories can help us open both eyes.

performance for children aged 6+

Wolf's Eye Theater Š.E.M.

more about the performence

Have you ever been to Africa? And to Alaska? We'll go there too. Just look into each other's eyes. What do you see? A white landscape, a she-wolf with the most beautiful golden fur in the world, and poachers. War, a silent desert, and a dreamy camel. Or perhaps a cheetah guarding a herd of goats. A green jungle, disappearing trees, and a crocodile with no place left in the water. And maybe even a boy and a wolf in a Different world who no longer want to look at the world with both eyes. It's all in the stories.

Wolf's Eye Theater Š.E.M.

The book's author: Daniel Pennac

The book's translation: Beata Panáková

Direction, dramaturgy and text: Veronika Trokšiarová

Scenography: Alica Mikócziová, Michaela Zajačková

Music: collective

Graphic: Michaela Zajačková

Production: Veronika Trokšiarová

Cast: Ľuboš Janák | René Sorád | Michaela Dzamková


1.premiere: 23.4. 2023, Záhrada CNK

2.premiere: 14.5. 2023, Teatro Colorato

Duration: 50 min.

Wolf's Eye Theater Š.E.M.

The project was supported by public funds

Fund for the support of art

The project was created thanks to the residence

in the CNK Garden, Banská Bystrica




TRI TVORY: ELIŠKA a svet hore nohami | Eliška and the Upside-Down World

Eliška had only known the trees of her native forest until now, it's time for her to explore the world. A puppet story inspired by Simona Čechova's book Eliška Isn't a Ghost, about how every creature - even a little different - has its place in the world.

performance for children aged 3+

ELIŠKA and the world upside down Divadlo Š.E.M.

more about the performence

TRI TVORY is a project in which we are preparing three short performances for children aged three and up, based on the literary works of author and illustrator Simona Čechová | Smatana. The first performance of this project is "Eliška and the Upside-Down World." In the 2023/2024 season, we will also prepare performances titled "František and the Compost" and "Jožko and the Bees." A post-show workshop is also included as part of the "Three Creatures" project.

ELIŠKA and the world upside down Divadlo Š.E.M.

The book's author: Simona Čechová 

Direction and dramaturgy: Veronika Trokšiarová

Scenography: Michaela Zajačková

Cast: Alžbeta Palanová a Patrícia Stehelová

​Duration: 35 min.



TRI TVORY: FRANTIŠEK a cesty pod zemou | FRANTIŠEK and the Underground Tunnels

František is a cheerful earthworm, but there is one thing that bothers him. Everyone in the garden has their own purpose, but he doesn't know why he exists. So, he decides to find out what he is truly good at. A puppet story based on the book "František from the Compost" by Simona Čechová, which tells that every creature, even one that is a little different, has its place in the world

performance for children aged 3+


more about the performence

TRI TVORY is a project in which we are preparing three short performances for children from three years old based on the literary works of author and illustrator Simona Čechová | Smatana. The first performance in this project is ELIŠKA and the Upside Down World. In the 2024/2025 season, we are preparing the final performance, JOŽKO and the Bees. As part of the TRI TVORY project, there will also be a workshop after the performance.



The book's author: Simona Čechová 

Direction and dramaturgy: Veronika Trokšiarová

Scenography: Michaela Zajačková

Cast: Alžbeta Palanová a Patrícia Stehelová

​Duration: 35 min.


+421 904 676 303


Headquarters: Obchodná 555/29, 811 06 Bratislava

ID: 52766578

Bank: FIO banka, as

Account number: SK50 8330 0000 0020 0186 0749

divadlo Š.E.M.
activities of Š.E.M. company 
in the 2023/2024 season
were supported using public funding
by Slovak Arts Council, thank you.

© 2023 by Š.EM powered and secured by Wix

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